How to use the ValiFi dApp

2 min readAug 18, 2022

How to create a YieldBox and maximize rewards:

Step 1: Go to and purchase a Legendary Yield-Key.

Step 2: Go to and stake your Yield-Key.

Step 3: Make sure you have 5 VALI and the equivalent value of 5 VALI in USDC (e.g. $220 in VALI and $220 in USDC).

To purchase the VALI token, go to the link below

Step 4: Click “Buy YieldBox” on the dApp

~ YieldBoxes will then pair with the next available Yield-Key once fees are paid ~

Pay your 5 VALI and the equivalent value of 5 VALI in USDC.

Step 5: After purchasing a YieldBox you will start to earn staking rewards. To further maximize your rewards, you will need to pay a $10/month maintenance fee. You can choose any of the options shown in the image below. ~ If you want to pay your maintenance fees in advance, there are the 30 day ($10), 90 day ($30), and 180 day ($90) options ~

Step 6: Congrats you have created a YieldBox! Now you can sit back and earn rewards.

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